This is the only app in iTunes that handles up to 5 lanes of competitors in an elimination bracket environment. With the Multiple Season and Multiple Events Per Season, this app can handle an UNLIMITED amount of competitors per event. Best of All, this app stores Season Points accumulated over Multiple Events so that you can enjoy the Ranking Page by seeing competitors rise and fall in rankings during any given season of events. Competitors have their own Profile Pages to tell their story. One more thing… Teams. Yes, this app gives you the ability to create Multiple Teams. Wow, just Wow!
Check out all the current features, below:
1) Total control over competitor placement in brackets with pop-up scrolling picker window. Edit anytime.
2) One-tap advancement of bracket winners upon easy-tap points distribution.
3) Create tournaments for 2 to UNLIMITED competitors:
__* For 2-5 competitors, use option 5.
__* For 6-25 competitors, use option 25.
__* For 26-125 competitors, use option 125..
__* For UNLIMITED competitors use any option and create separate Classes.
4) Choose different options for amount of Season Points awarded per finishing position for Ranking/Standings.
5) Previous Events and Seasons remain “On-Demand” for easy review. No need to wait for an upload.
6) Broadcast your brackets during events to Big Screen or Projector using Airplay.
7) Create Competitor Profile Pages complete with Photo, Team, Competitor Number, Season Points and Text Area for descriptive story and/or contact information.
8) Create Teams Profile Pages complete with Team Logo & Photo List of all Team Members.
9) Enjoy Rankings / Standing Page for Instant Updates of who is leading the Season Points race.
10) Create UNLIMITED Seasons.
11) Create UNLIMITED Events per each Season.
12) Time-Saver Feature: Easy Select of “Eligible Competitors” for respective Events allows quick scroll selection of competitors during Bracket Placement.
13) Enter Event Name/Location, Event Date, Event Class.
14) Edit or Delete mistakes (even after the event starts).
This app DOES NOT require WiFi to work for you at your indoor or outdoor event and updates all information in real time. Grab a screenshot of the Winner’s Circle Page and post it on your favorite social media network.
Remember, this app remembers every season point each competitor earns and updates the competitor’s rank on the Standings Page without any extra work. This feature will ensure maximum attendance throughout the season because if a competitor misses an event, other competitors may gain points and take over their spot!
The brackets in this app are beautiful and will be pleasing for your competitors to view on an iPad or projected onto a Big Screen using Airplay. The navigation is easy and will make you forget that people used to use clipboards.
The price of this first version is set to encourage early adopters to support the quick development of our many other features. We hope that our early customers view their purchase with more of a mindset of a donor that wants to contribute in the development process by offering quality feedback. There are no ads supporting this app.
Consider this app a Developer / Founder Version where our only audience target is those who truly want to see this developed further so that it can be offered for free with in-app purchases.
A complete set of Tutorial Videos for the app are able to be viewed on our YouTube Channel.